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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  January 21, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm CST

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p >> let's go live to washington d.c. at the inaugural ball.
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>> inside the d.c. convention center a pretty active scene right now the president seems to be enjoying himself quite well the president and first lady michelle obama sharing their first dance talk about electric moment what we take a look at this quite literally singing the president's press is tonight alicia keys joining a gang of celebrities to celebrate a let us each of us now embraced with a solemn duty and also in july what is our last and birthright with a common effort and common purpose with passion and dedication let us answer the call and carry into an uncertain
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future that precious light of freedom. traditionally it is a speech that sets the tone for the future... low looks like we're back at the d.c. convention center and a little problem with the microphone. it is stevie wonder... >> we have lost the signal but there is a lot going on already michelle obama and the president have done their debts. we will show you all of that a little bit later the party going strong right here in the president's own backyard. live on the south
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side at the inauguration bash. these folks and didn't make the trip down to washington d.c. but they are having a ball right here in chicago celebrating their home town president as he begins his second term. it is a party at the grand ballroom at 63 and cottage grove. the radio station organized it and the one thing that everybody has in common here is pride. they spend most of the day with their eyes glued to the tv watching president obama second inauguration maybe even more special because it's martin
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luther king day grateful and hopeful about the president's second term jobs, immigration reform, protecting in title it. for now it's all about the celebration. it is painfully cold outside but very hot in here tonight's inaugural party
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followed by pageantry the tradition of inauguration day.
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choirs sang as a list politicians present and past filled the capital platform people like former president jimmy carter and bill clinton for those with a front row seat it was elbow to elbow on a chilly day the massive crowd quickly warmed the scene close to 800,000 may be 1 million this year compared to 1.8 million people in 2009. so what was mrs. obama going to wear? she didn't disappoint in a navy code in dress by an up-and-coming men's designer joined by their daughters together they sang, they listen to and prayed as vice president joe biden and then president barack obama took their oaths to serve the nation
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for four more years if flawless performance except for one minor flub, his speech lasted 19 minutes into covered everything from equal rights to economic recovery climate change to the message of martin luther king jr. on a day that the nation celebrates the birth of the civil-rights leader. >> tahir a preacher say we cannot walk alone the challenges ahead are enormous and the president admitted that his work would be imperfect. we must act that knowing that today's victories will be only partial grammy winner kelly clarkson giving the ceremony in central hollywood. followed by the
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friend of the president beyonce with her rendition of the national anthem a performance to remember. it all ended with a 21 gun salute before special guests attended a formal luncheon where the president and first lady had lobster, bison and apple pie before they took to the parade route in washington thousands of well-wishers lined the streets screamed and hollered into a magic moment when they got a glimpse of the president and mrs. obama along pennsylvania avenue the first couple had rock star status. hand-in-hand to the crowd went wild. one of the more emotional moments of the day action likely when president obama was just leaving the capital take a look he stopped and he turned around for one last look at the sea of people filling the national mall today.
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he soaked it all in one last time he wanted one last look because he said i will never see this again. even he impressed with the all of that moment. her boots were made especially just for her one-of-a-kind. join us right now to break down the president's speech with paul lisnek the host of politics tonight is this what he has wanted to say for the last four years? >> it may very well paid. there was some question certainly from liberal progressives where was this guy for the first four years of his term he is not
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running again there was no reason he couldn't say everything that was on his mind. and historic comments today as we know that have never been said before in an inaugural address. it's not complete until our wives and mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. for if we are truly created equal then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. politics aside for a moment sometimes you hear the list women gay lesbians it's almost like a checklist but not at the inaugural podium or the address not as one that will be studied in history for time that was a momentous occasion agree or
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disagree with the politics the president established new ground. is he stepped into far into the future right now? he was a little bit more specific than i expected him to be. is he trying to buy off a lot more maybe he is truly trying to buy off a lot but this is his legacy term this is where the legacy comes from so you will see him speak up in the coming four years on all of these things something i said earlier during our coverage the real strength of his term will actually be in the presidential... it will be
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interesting to watch what unfolds and what happens in the future. i think he used to that platform to get the word out. so many connections between this president and abraham lincoln this is a president who understands history he understands there has been a lot of discussion we have seen in so many. nixon, nothing more needs
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to be said he says i know what i've read it i get the history it's not going to happen to me we will see whether it does but the good news for him is his personal popularity rating is so high that he should be able to withstand even some small... we will see this as a president that is in the face of history and we are living it. he may very well be talking about today at the museum of african- american history more than one parent was explaining what the inauguration means to their children. they definitely have an opportunity to let their dreams come to life. >> they watch today's ceremony on the big screen the museum
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also marks the 150th anniversary of the emancipation proclamation and as we said martin luther king day. what lies ahead for the president how it compares to other to timers. timers2other 2 timers. this is quite a cold spell the coldest in two years we are listening to beyonce saying the national anthem from the inauguration tonight.
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mmm. it's delicious! another angry-satisfied customer. you don't need toppings! and that is why we're fixing this. hey earth! stop topping triscuit! [ male announcer ] 100% whole grain woven for an untoppable taste.
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this is america. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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we the people declared today that the most evident of troops that all of us are created equal. it's the star that guides us still part of president barack obama second inaugural address so what should we expect from his second term? we are here to talk about some of the ambitious goals and the results that usually occur. really there are only 18 months until the late dr. basically you were going to see obama introduced the four cabinet members today you can expect bills related to gun control and immigration and then the fight over the deficit all of them will start rolling out even before the state of the union address. you heard the
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speech seven times together not so much together is this problem with the house republicans have control but the thing that the president has going is that for him to build a base of support he has put together a political organization you noticed particularly in the fight over the last few months of the fiscal cliff how he was able to appeal to the business community to all of the group's the congressmen have to answer to constituents both their contributors and their voters so it is possible usually you run into a problem the lewinsky problem some sort of crisis comes along that derails you so it really is going to be a sort of world wind and the next few months because that is when you get the momentum. you look back
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in history we have reagan who builtdealt with the iranian conflict how you keep from being derailed? you have to get the boats quickly while you still have the momentum the president is two or three times as popular as congress at the moment so she can use all of that but it's still very difficult to push ahead, you build a coalition and sometimes things do come later president kennedy who had only part of one term laid out an agenda he didn't accomplish most of it it took lyndon johnson to actually make that into law later. it is a tough road but is a good positive strong start this second inaugural address is never as important as a looks. it's still a good step and a
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solid step i think you'll see a solid presidency second term personal exhaustion. i think at the moment coming off of the election coming off of the inauguration you will see a lot of energy in the white house for the next few months it becomes sort of a drive towards the last minute lame-duck no one in congress at least is paying a lot of attention to any more. by the end of the second term his hair is going to look like marks' probably. his hair was all black when he took office in its nearly all gray now. still ahead an all-star evening who is showing up tonight including the big one hosted by rahm emanuel. a solid gold treatment for cancer how the metal that makes
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up your favorite jewelry could save your life.
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hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you.
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no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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can pluggable febreze make even this old container smell fresh? describe the room. a big, open space. smells really fresh, man. oh! [ both laugh ] febreze? how about that? yeah! febreze anti-clogging technology keeps it smelling fresh. febreze. breathe happy.
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>> wait until you see some of these temperatures but we expect this this time of year a pilot was flying at 4,000 ft. over watertown you think it's cold down there on the ground this afternoon look at that temperature that is 15 below zero at 4,000 ft. so that is something jennifer of ex said it snowed here last night and it did through the southern suburbs there is snow on the ground we have these beautiful cumulus clouds out on
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fox valley yesterday a lot of folks noticed that we had a number of shocks like that decade and to us today we all appreciate your incredible pictures it was a gorgeous day but it was cold the highest temperature today clouds innocuous from our shoreline have produced some healthy snows on the other side of the lake is chilly tonight temperature readings are on the way down to know we are 19 hours in a 54 hour stretch of subzero wind chills we went below zero on the wind chill at 2:00 a.m. this morning don't expect to recover from above 0 on the wind chill until wednesday morning let's go to our computer we will show you that right here this is the
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coldest weather in two years in chicago we have certainly had worse in january but we are marveling at the fact that we are getting down to sub 0 level temperatures despite the lack of snow cover. you can see the lake effect snow warnings on the other side of the lake the arctic opened up with a siberian express pattern just as expected bitterly cold air mass took up residence at canada last week has now spilled into the lower 48 the reason that is happening is because warm air running up the west end of the continent towards alaska sens the jet stream buckles and northward to it joined sajak coming across the north pole from russia and siberia and the two of them roared down at over 100 mi. per hour to bring the cold air in that will moderate
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the temperatures later in the weekend and will also bring the chance for snow look at the wind chill temperatures at this moment our model is forecasting wind chills as much as 48 below zero by morning by international falls and 12-16 below zero here in chicago these are thermometer readings up close. seven at o'hare. that wind is whipping through the area. it feels like 12 below at o'hare. fortunately the ground is bear it feels like 18 below but the thermometer is already down to - one we have
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about 180 studies across the region and every one of them tonight is the single digits or lower not a big deal but the one on friday afternoon says the best chance of putting several inches of snow down so we will be watching that you can see the school they're hitting the warm whitewater's is sending snow into michigan here is the latest raid our view of that. we will come back and show you some numbers on how much snow we may have over the next 10 days around here some interesting numbers off of our models in a year that has just not seen much maybe we will add a little
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bit to this partly cloudy tonight bitterly cold snow is not the issue but the wind chill is at 15-25 below it looks now like we could get down to two degrees below zero scattered clouds very cold tomorrow night. increasing cloudiness wednesday flurries in the afternoon high temperature of about 21 maybe a snow shower wednesday night and another one thursday afternoon or night it's looking like it's going to be pretty wintery this week. we
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have been lucky by the mild temperatures. sean lewis is at the lake front where the wind chill feels like it is below zero. very well below zero. at least seven people have died in cook county this winter alone because of the cold that no. unfortunately is likely to go up because of this latest cold spell. as the sun went down in chicago tonight so did the already cold temperatures. along michigan avenue just a few people braved the cold some dove into a cab to escape the coldest temperatures in two years on the city's north side subzero wind chills did not freeze out the appetites of the briskly faithful bubbled up waiting for a bite of what was waiting inside some people go to mecca
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i go to hot tub. we always worry about frostbite hypothermia emergency room doctors say if you need to go out watch for signs of hypothermia like confusion and frostbite including tingling of the ears and nose in fingers. these areas that protrude out like your nose and ears are the ones that are susceptible to freezing so you really want to be careful of that and on this holiday the city opened one west side center 95 people sought refuge here the city hoped to keep every person save especially children and teenagers. a quick trip to the store with his kids this afternoon is a lot more preparation. make sure they're
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able to walk out here a little bit comfortable. make sure they're nice and warm. it pays to remind everyone, remember to check on the elderly and especially your neighbors in this cold make sure that they're ok if you know someone who needs a warm place to stay or need some help insure to call 311. coming up, it sounds high tech and it is a way to treat cancer one very very small doses at a time we're live at the inaugural ball tonight. the music we're listening to now is kelly clarkson.
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whoa! nobody insures more bikes than progressive. do you guys ride? well... no. sometimes, yeah. yes. well, if you know anybody else who also rides send them here -- we got great coverage. it's not like bikers love their bikes more than life itself. i doubt anyone will even notice. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. aarrggh!
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[ female announcer ] switch to swiffer wetjet and you'll dump your old mop. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ sexy lady ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ [ female announcer ] used mops can grow bacteria.
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swiffer wetjet starts with a clean pad every time. and its antibacterial cleaner kills bacteria mops can spread around. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. ♪ lovely lady ♪ in tonight's medical watch a golden opportunity to help patients fighting lymphoma a type of cancer that arises in the lymph nodes and travels chemotherapy and the drug are highly
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effective but doctors think they can do better. they can all be relatively toxic so we are looking for new ways to treat these we're talking about it particle treatment that may in fact be 180 degrees from that tiny but promising carriers scientists and into the body on search and destroy missions flown around in there are solid gold medal and an all particles exactly like the one you would have won a gold ring or a piece of gold jewelry but it's not the precious metals that makes this by also precious the gold service no real purpose other than to fill up space normally occupied by cholesterol a favorite meal of lymphoma cells. we developed a national particle that looks a lot like on the outside this naturally... the national particle was disguised to look exactly like hdl
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cholesterol cells on the outside. it's the same fat and protein on the surface of natural hdl. he then put the particle to the test of not knowing they were part of a switch operation lymphoma cells gobbled up the gold and oil particles by doing that the particles start to the cells of cholesterol and that becomes very toxic to them they need that cholesterol to grow divide and multiplied we're certainly very excited about the possibility this will be a non- toxic treatment researchers continue their work on the national particle and they hope to conduct more animal studies which human trials about two years away. coming up one more look at the inauguration for chicagoans. the bulls star appears ready to step up his rehab look at what one of our
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photographers saw community expressway happy martin luther king day everybody. so, we all set? i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month actually... eddie continues singing: two tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. nexium, the purple pill, helps provide
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many with day and night relief of heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache abdominal pain, and diarrhea. call your doctor right away if you have persistent diarrhea. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. ask your doctor if nexium, the purple pill, is right for you. find out how to save on nexium at [ coughs ] [ breathes deeply, wind blows ] [ male announcer ] halls. let the cool in. [ female announcer ] switch to swiffer sweeper, and you'll dump your old broom. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ sexy lady ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer
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sweeper's electrostatic dry cloths attract and lock dirt, dust, and hair on contact to clean 50% more than a broom. it's a difference you can feel. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. ♪ ♪ miss, this seat's available. (sighs) this is too good to be true. hi. john stamos. enchanté this is too good to be true. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt... delicious yet healthy. sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt mmm huh. i want an oikos! dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt... too delicious to be so nutritious. dannon just saw vice-president joe and dr. by the dancing there having
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fun in d.c. they're celebrating the president's second inauguration joining once again hopefully with no problems this time. i have been to some parties in this was a pretty good wood as you mentioned that the vice president and dr. joe biden serenaded by jamie foxx in a pretty special night earlier of course it's very special chicago moment the president and first lady serenaded by chicagos very young jennifer hudson really an electric moment in the day that has been full of them. quite literally singing the president's praises elissa ickes joining it was to of celebrities gathered to celebrate an inaugural address calling for a more united america let us each
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embrace with solemn duty and also join what is our lasting birthright. with common effort and common purpose with passion and with dedication let us answer the call and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom traditionally its the speech that sets the tone of shares the president's vision for the future it's passion not policy what makes this exceptional what makes us america is our allegiance to an idea articulated in the declaration made more than two centuries ago. we hold these truths to be self-evident. that all men are created equal. they're the words that hundreds of thousands poured on to the national mall to here this evening even before
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the dawn's early light some chicagoans have driven through the night just to be here this is really inspiring it's far and and it's a peaceful transition of powers. i think the country is ready for us to move forward. he needs to really work to pull both sides together so we can get something done. the south shore drill team passes the president there wished to see him in person granted close by on the capital stage an old friend his former chief of staff chicagos meier naturally given high marks to a speech. today is about bigger things and bigger ideals the real test is are you going with a sense of purpose larger than policy and a mission with enough force in the energy behind it. it will not be
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along soon the party will be over the music will fade and it's back to partisan politics as usual but until then... indeed it will be time to get back to the tough business of running the nation but tonight there is a celebration to be had a lot of famous and familiar faces back here. dancing the night away here in washington let's see how cold we're going to get it's interesting to note it was 40 at the point the president put his hand on the bible today in washington d.c. wind chill was 34, the wind chill tomorrow if it had been
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held at noon tomorrow 17 degrees cooler. in the meantime there is the cold air mass this is a 10 day forecast we move from tuesday through wednesday conceit a little moderation then the weekend sunday and monday warms up and cold air gets ready to dump on us again for the beginning of february. these are like affect totals on the other side of the lakes here. if you're driving expect some more snow off of the lake. a better chance of some of these temperatures on friday. stay
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warm tonight. it was reagan's second inauguration coming up know what is back on the floor trying to help the bulls get past the lakers dan roanalac r ♪
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ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby, can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align.
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>> about terror grows, the coach thinks that he will be a participant in practice later this week if that's the case you have to think he could be more than a couple weeks away we will keep an eye on that in the days ahead tonight as the bulls beat the lakers were watching his minutes that put him on the pine saturday night against memphis and joe never got up he was not in the locker room after the game either. having high expectations and standards for his man in the middle. the thing is he has been around the team has to come first that is the most important thing i always expect that. joe in the lineup
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tonight against the l.a. lakers both are looking pretty good at this point and a late start nate robinson 32-24 there and later in the second quarter the eastern conference player of the week doing what he does carlos boozer and at halftime is the bulls' 47-40 it looks like the irish are going to follow illinois it right out of the top 25 georgetown and control at notre dame they scored the next 18 points in a row rivera lined up the 44th ranked irish take a home 63-47. a showcase game against oak hill he showed up huge 28 points the wolverines led from start-finish. they also
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got a strong game from a recruit he went on national tv 8168 81-68. a dynamite opener after the black hawks both days just beginning out west a winner in los angeles saturday and then last night newcomer mike both had two goals in each of the first two games 11 goals very challenging trying to get points in a row is what we are trying to do that is the news for this
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monday night. from all of us have a great evening. [ female announcer ] switch to swiffer 360 duster extender and you'll dump your old duster. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ ♪ sexy lady ♪ ♪ who's that lady? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 duster extender
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cleans high and low, with thick all around fibers that attract & lock up to two times more dust than a feather duster. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. [ cat meow ] ♪ who's that lady? ♪ h icph


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